
The Vagrantfile in the root of this repo creates a fresh Vagrant box running Ubuntu and NSoT.


To proceed you must have working installations of Vagrant and Virtualbox on your machine. If you already have these, you may skip this step.

If you do not have a working Vagrant environment configured along with Virtualbox, please follow the Vagrant’s “Getting Started” instructions before proceeding.


Provision the box

5-10 minutes on a fast connection

To provision the virtual machine open a command prompt, and run the following command from this directory:

$ vagrant up

This will build a new Vagrant box, and pre-install NSoT for you.

Launch NSoT

Login to the new virtual machine via ssh:

$ vagrant ssh

Start the server on 8990/tcp (the default) and create a superuser when prompted:

$ nsot-server start

Point your browser to and login!

Now you are ready to follow the Tutorial to start playing around.