Source code for nsot.api.serializers

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import ast
from collections import OrderedDict
import json
import logging

from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from rest_framework import fields, serializers
from rest_framework_bulk import BulkSerializerMixin, BulkListSerializer

from . import auth
from .. import exc, models, validators
from ..util import get_field_attr

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Custom Fields
[docs]class JSONDataField(fields.Field): """ Base field used to represent attributes as JSON <-> ``field_type``. It is an error if ``field_type`` is not defined in a subclass. """ field_type = None def to_representation(self, value): return value def to_internal_value(self, data): log.debug('JSONDictField.to_internal_value() data = %r', data) if self.field_type is None: raise NotImplementedError( 'You must subclass JSONDataField and define field_type' ) if not data: data = self.field_type() if isinstance(data, self.field_type): return data # Try it as a regular JSON object try: return json.loads(data) except ValueError: # Or try it as a Python object try: return ast.literal_eval(data) except (SyntaxError, ValueError) as err: raise exc.ValidationError(err) except Exception as err: raise exc.ValidationError(err) return data
[docs]class JSONDictField(JSONDataField): """Field used to represent attributes as JSON <-> Dict.""" field_type = dict
[docs]class JSONListField(JSONDataField): """Field used to represent attributes as JSON <-> List.""" field_type = list
[docs]class MACAddressField(fields.Field): """Field used to validate MAC address objects as integer or string.""" def to_representation(self, value): return value def to_internal_value(self, value): return validators.validate_mac_address(value)
[docs]class NaturalKeyRelatedField(serializers.SlugRelatedField): """Field that takes either a primary key or a natural key.""" def to_representation(self, value): return value
[docs] def to_internal_value(self, value): """Try PK followed by slug (natural key) value.""" # Cast integers to strings, bruh if isinstance(value, int): value = str(value) # Is digit? Is PK. if value.isdigit(): field = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField( queryset=self.get_queryset() ) log.debug( 'NaturalKeyRelatedField: %s using PK field for value %s', self.field_name, value ) # Or it's natural key. Brute force!! else: field = serializers.SlugRelatedField( slug_field=self.slug_field, queryset=self.get_queryset(), ) log.debug( 'NaturalKeyRelatedField: %s using SLUG field for value %s', self.field_name, value ) value = field.to_internal_value(value) return value
[docs] def get_queryset(self): """Attempt to filter queryset by site_pk.""" queryset = super(NaturalKeyRelatedField, self).get_queryset() view = self.context.get('view') # Get site_id from the view or None if view is None: site_id = None else: site_id = view.kwargs.get('site_pk') # Filter by site_id if applicable. if site_id is not None: log.debug('Filtering queryset to site_id=%s', site_id) queryset = queryset.filter(site_id=site_id) return queryset
################### # Base Serializer # ###################
[docs]class NsotSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """Base serializer that logs change events."""
[docs] def to_internal_value(self, data): """Inject site_pk from view's kwargs if it's not already in data.""" # Try to get the kwargs from the view, or default to empty kwargs. view = self.context.get('view') kwargs = getattr(view, 'kwargs', {}) log.debug( 'NsotSerializer.to_internal_value() data [before] = %r', data ) # FIXME(jathan): This MUST be ripped out once we migrate to V2 API and # move away from the "site_id" field on pre-1.0 objects. site_fields = ['site_id', 'site'] for site_field in site_fields: if site_field in self.fields: break else: site_field = None if site_field not in data and 'site_pk' in kwargs: data = data.copy() # Get a mutable copy of the QueryDict data[site_field] = kwargs['site_pk'] log.debug('NsotSerializer.to_internal_value() data [after] = %r', data) return super(NsotSerializer, self).to_internal_value(data)
[docs] def to_representation(self, obj): """Always return the dict representation.""" if isinstance(obj, OrderedDict): return obj return obj.to_dict()
###### # User ######
[docs]class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """ UserProxy model serializer that takes optional `with_secret_key` argument that controls whether the secret_key for the user should be displayed. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Don't pass `with_secret_key` up to the superclass self.with_secret_key = kwargs.pop('with_secret_key', None) super(UserSerializer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # If we haven't passed `with_secret_key`, don't show the secret_key # field. if self.with_secret_key is None: self.fields.pop('secret_key') permissions = fields.ReadOnlyField(source='get_permissions') class Meta: model = get_user_model() fields = ('id', 'email', 'permissions', 'secret_key')
###### # Site ###### class SiteSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = models.Site fields = '__all__' ######### # Changes #########
[docs]class ChangeSerializer(NsotSerializer): """Used for displaying Change events.""" class Meta: model = models.Change fields = '__all__'
########### # Attribute ###########
[docs]class AttributeSerializer(NsotSerializer): """Used for GET, DELETE on Attributes.""" class Meta: model = models.Attribute fields = '__all__'
[docs]class AttributeCreateSerializer(AttributeSerializer): """Used for POST on Attributes.""" constraints = JSONDictField( required=False, label=get_field_attr(models.Attribute, 'constraints', 'verbose_name'), help_text=get_field_attr(models.Attribute, 'constraints', 'help_text') ) site_id = fields.IntegerField( label=get_field_attr(models.Attribute, 'site', 'verbose_name'), help_text=get_field_attr(models.Attribute, 'site', 'help_text') ) class Meta: model = models.Attribute fields = ('name', 'description', 'resource_name', 'required', 'display', 'multi', 'constraints', 'site_id')
[docs]class AttributeUpdateSerializer(BulkSerializerMixin, AttributeCreateSerializer): """ Used for PUT, PATCH, on Attributes. Currently because Attributes have only one required field (name), and it may not be updated, there is not much functional difference between PUT and PATCH. """ class Meta: model = models.Attribute list_serializer_class = BulkListSerializer fields = ('id', 'description', 'required', 'display', 'multi', 'constraints')
####### # Value #######
[docs]class ValueSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """Used for GET, DELETE on Values.""" class Meta: model = models.Value fields = ('id', 'name', 'value', 'attribute', 'resource_name', 'resource_id')
[docs]class ValueCreateSerializer(ValueSerializer): """Used for POST on Values.""" class Meta(ValueSerializer.Meta): read_only_fields = ('id', 'name', 'resource_name')
########### # Resources ###########
[docs]class ResourceSerializer(NsotSerializer): """For any object that can have attributes.""" attributes = JSONDictField( required=False, help_text='Dictionary of attributes to set.' ) site_id = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField( source='site', queryset=models.Site.objects.all(), help_text='Unique ID of the Site this object is under.', label='Site', )
[docs] def create(self, validated_data, commit=True): """Create that is aware of attributes.""" # Remove the related fields before we write the object attributes = validated_data.pop('attributes', {}) # Save the base object to the database. obj = super(ResourceSerializer, self).create(validated_data) # Try to populate the related fields and if there are any validation # problems, delete the object and re-raise the error. If not, save the # changes. try: obj.set_attributes(attributes) except exc.ValidationError: obj.delete() raise else: if commit: return obj
[docs] def update(self, instance, validated_data, commit=True): """ Update that is aware of attributes. This will not set attributes if they are not provided during a partial update. """ # Remove related fields before we write the object attributes = validated_data.pop('attributes', None) # Save the object to the database. obj = super(ResourceSerializer, self).update( instance, validated_data ) # If attributes have been provided, populate them and save the object, # allowing any validation errors to raise before saving. obj.set_attributes(attributes, partial=self.partial) if commit: return obj
######## # Device ########
[docs]class DeviceSerializer(ResourceSerializer): """Used for GET, DELETE on Devices.""" class Meta: model = models.Device fields = '__all__'
[docs]class DeviceCreateSerializer(DeviceSerializer): """Used for POST on Devices.""" class Meta: model = models.Device fields = ('hostname', 'attributes', 'site_id')
[docs]class DevicePartialUpdateSerializer(BulkSerializerMixin, DeviceCreateSerializer): """Used for PATCH on Devices.""" class Meta: model = models.Device list_serializer_class = BulkListSerializer fields = ('id', 'hostname', 'attributes')
[docs]class DeviceUpdateSerializer(DevicePartialUpdateSerializer): """Used for PUT on Devices.""" class Meta(DevicePartialUpdateSerializer.Meta): extra_kwargs = {'attributes': {'required': True}}
######### # Network #########
[docs]class NetworkSerializer(ResourceSerializer): """Used for GET, DELETE on Networks.""" class Meta: model = models.Network fields = '__all__'
[docs]class NetworkCreateSerializer(NetworkSerializer): """Used for POST on Networks.""" cidr = fields.CharField( write_only=True, required=False, label='CIDR', help_text=( 'IPv4/IPv6 CIDR address. If provided, this overrides the value of ' 'network_address & prefix_length. If not provided, ' 'network_address & prefix_length are required.' ) ) class Meta: model = models.Network fields = ('cidr', 'network_address', 'prefix_length', 'attributes', 'state', 'site_id') extra_kwargs = { 'network_address': {'required': False}, 'prefix_length': {'required': False}, }
[docs]class NetworkPartialUpdateSerializer(BulkSerializerMixin, NetworkCreateSerializer): """Used for PATCH on Networks.""" class Meta: model = models.Network list_serializer_class = BulkListSerializer fields = ('id', 'attributes', 'state')
[docs]class NetworkUpdateSerializer(NetworkPartialUpdateSerializer): """Used for PUT on Networks.""" class Meta(NetworkPartialUpdateSerializer.Meta): extra_kwargs = {'attributes': {'required': True}}
########### # Interface ###########
[docs]class InterfaceSerializer(ResourceSerializer): """Used for GET, DELETE on Interfaces.""" parent_id = NaturalKeyRelatedField( required=False, allow_null=True, slug_field='name_slug', queryset=models.Interface.objects.all(), label=get_field_attr(models.Interface, 'parent', 'verbose_name'), help_text=get_field_attr(models.Interface, 'parent', 'help_text'), ) device = NaturalKeyRelatedField( slug_field='hostname', queryset=models.Device.objects.all(), label=get_field_attr(models.Interface, 'device', 'verbose_name'), help_text=get_field_attr(models.Interface, 'device', 'help_text'), ) addresses = JSONListField( required=False, help_text='List of host addresses to assign.' ) mac_address = MACAddressField( required=False, allow_null=True, label=get_field_attr(models.Interface, 'mac_address', 'verbose_name'), help_text=get_field_attr(models.Interface, 'mac_address', 'help_text'), ) class Meta: model = models.Interface fields = '__all__'
[docs] def validate_parent_id(self, value): """Cast the parent_id to an int if it's an Interface object.""" # FIXME(jathan): Remove this hackery when we move away from `parent_id` # to `parent` in the future. if value is not None and isinstance(value, models.Interface): return return value
[docs] def create(self, validated_data): """Overload default create to handle setting of addresses.""" log.debug('InterfaceCreateSerializer.create() validated_data = %r', validated_data) # Remove the related fields before we write the object addresses = validated_data.pop('addresses', []) # Create the base object to the database, but don't save attributes # yet. obj = super(InterfaceSerializer, self).create( validated_data, commit=False ) # Try to populate the related fields and if there are any validation # problems, delete the object and re-raise the error. If not, save the # changes. try: obj.set_addresses(addresses) except exc.ValidationError: obj.delete() raise else: return obj
[docs] def update(self, instance, validated_data): """Overload default update to handle setting of addresses.""" log.debug('InterfaceUpdateSerializer.update() validated_data = %r', validated_data) # Remove related fields before we write the object. Attributes are # handled by the parent. addresses = validated_data.pop('addresses', None) # Update the attributes in the database, but don't save them yet. obj = super(InterfaceSerializer, self).update( instance, validated_data, commit=False ) # Assign the address objects to the Interface. obj.set_addresses(addresses, overwrite=True, partial=self.partial) return obj
[docs]class InterfaceCreateSerializer(InterfaceSerializer): """Used for POST on Interfaces.""" class Meta: model = models.Interface fields = ('device', 'name', 'description', 'type', 'mac_address', 'speed', 'parent_id', 'addresses', 'attributes')
[docs]class InterfacePartialUpdateSerializer(BulkSerializerMixin, InterfaceCreateSerializer): "Used for PATCH on Interfaces.""" class Meta: model = models.Interface list_serializer_class = BulkListSerializer fields = ('id', 'name', 'description', 'type', 'mac_address', 'speed', 'parent_id', 'addresses', 'attributes')
[docs]class InterfaceUpdateSerializer(InterfacePartialUpdateSerializer): "Used for PUT on Interfaces.""" class Meta(InterfacePartialUpdateSerializer.Meta): extra_kwargs = { 'addresses': {'required': True}, 'attributes': {'required': True}, }
######### # Circuit #########
[docs]class CircuitSerializer(ResourceSerializer): """Used for GET, DELETE on Circuits""" endpoint_a = NaturalKeyRelatedField( slug_field='name_slug', queryset=models.Interface.objects.all(), label=get_field_attr(models.Circuit, 'endpoint_a', 'verbose_name'), help_text=get_field_attr(models.Circuit, 'endpoint_a', 'help_text'), ) endpoint_z = NaturalKeyRelatedField( slug_field='name_slug', required=False, allow_null=True, queryset=models.Interface.objects.all(), label=get_field_attr(models.Circuit, 'endpoint_z', 'verbose_name'), help_text=get_field_attr(models.Circuit, 'endpoint_z', 'help_text'), ) class Meta: model = models.Circuit fields = '__all__'
[docs]class CircuitCreateSerializer(CircuitSerializer): """Used for POST on Circuits.""" class Meta: model = models.Circuit # Display name and site are auto-generated, don't include them here. fields = ('endpoint_a', 'endpoint_z', 'name', 'attributes')
[docs]class CircuitPartialUpdateSerializer(BulkSerializerMixin, CircuitCreateSerializer): """Used for PATCH on Circuits.""" class Meta: model = models.Circuit list_serializer_class = BulkListSerializer fields = ('id', 'endpoint_a', 'endpoint_z', 'name', 'attributes')
[docs]class CircuitUpdateSerializer(CircuitPartialUpdateSerializer): """Used for PUT on Circuits.""" class Meta(CircuitPartialUpdateSerializer.Meta): extra_kwargs = {'attributes': {'required': True}}
############## # ProtocolType ##############
[docs]class ProtocolTypeSerializer(NsotSerializer): """Used for all CRUD operations on ProtocolTypes.""" required_attributes = NaturalKeyRelatedField( many=True, slug_field='name', required=False, queryset=models.Attribute.objects.all(), help_text=get_field_attr( models.ProtocolType, 'required_attributes', 'help_text' ), ) class Meta: model = models.ProtocolType fields = '__all__'
########## # Protocol ##########
[docs]class ProtocolSerializer(ResourceSerializer): """Used for GET, DELETE on Protocols""" type = NaturalKeyRelatedField( slug_field='name', queryset=models.ProtocolType.objects.all(), help_text=get_field_attr(models.Protocol, 'type', 'help_text'), ) device = NaturalKeyRelatedField( slug_field='hostname', queryset=models.Device.objects.all(), help_text=get_field_attr(models.Protocol, 'device', 'help_text'), ) interface = NaturalKeyRelatedField( slug_field='name_slug', required=False, allow_null=True, queryset=models.Interface.objects.all(), help_text=get_field_attr(models.Protocol, 'interface', 'help_text'), ) circuit = NaturalKeyRelatedField( slug_field='name_slug', required=False, allow_null=True, queryset=models.Circuit.objects.all(), help_text=get_field_attr(models.Protocol, 'circuit', 'help_text'), ) class Meta: model = models.Protocol fields = '__all__'
[docs]class ProtocolCreateSerializer(ProtocolSerializer): """Used for POST on Protocols.""" class Meta: model = models.Protocol fields = ('site', 'type', 'device', 'description', 'auth_string', 'interface', 'circuit', 'attributes')
[docs]class ProtocolPartialUpdateSerializer(BulkSerializerMixin, ProtocolCreateSerializer): """Used for PATCH on Protocols.""" class Meta: model = models.Protocol list_serializer_class = BulkListSerializer fields = ('id', 'site', 'type', 'device', 'description', 'auth_string', 'interface', 'circuit', 'attributes')
[docs]class ProtocolUpdateSerializer(ProtocolPartialUpdateSerializer): """Used for PUT on Protocols.""" class Meta(ProtocolPartialUpdateSerializer.Meta): extra_kwargs = {'attributes': {'required': True}}
########### # AuthToken ###########
[docs]class AuthTokenSerializer(serializers.Serializer): """ AuthToken authentication serializer to validate username/secret_key inputs. """ email = serializers.CharField(help_text='Email address of the user.') secret_key = serializers.CharField( label='Secret Key', help_text='Secret key of the user.' ) def validate(self, attrs): email = attrs.get('email') secret_key = attrs.get('secret_key') if email and secret_key: auth_func = auth.SecretKeyAuthentication().authenticate_credentials user, secret_key = auth_func(email, secret_key) if user: if not user.is_active: msg = 'User account is disabled.' raise exc.ValidationError(msg) attrs['user'] = user return attrs else: msg = 'Unable to login with provided credentials.' raise exc.ValidationError(msg) else: msg = 'Must include "email" and "secret_key"' raise exc.ValidationError(msg)